an multichannel sound-music compositon for media installation by sisters of design - Claudia Dölling & Anja Krämer - Typo Utopia webpage
100 years of Bauhaus - Kunststiftung Sachsen - Anhalt, Neuwerk 1, Halle
Premiere 16.11.2019
The installation is awarded with "gold " by European Design Award 2020 - category - digital installation
»Eine grandiose Ausstellung ... TYPO UTOPIA ist eine spektakuläre Installation, die diesem Bauhausjubiläum bisher gefehlt hat.«
Marco Tullner, Bildungsminister des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt
»DUST« – Installation - Katarzyna Krakowiak (PL)
singuhr – projekte
Am Wriezener Bahnhof
10243 Berlin
Opening: 17.5., 7 – 10 pm
18.5. – 3.6.2018
Do – Mo 14 – 20 Uhr / Thursday – Monday 2 – 8 pm
Eintritt / Admission: 8 / 5 Euro
multi channel installation 10.13 system | sound direction - composition development & design for the installation
Fotos: Roman März
Trans_Formationen, a seven channel installation for transducer and loudspeaker, at the terrace of „Haus der Kulturen der Welt“ Berlin 2009, 20th anniversy celebration of HKW
Treibgut, Five-channel sound installation, using the reflecting quality of its vaulted ceiling, old morgue of Charity Berlin 2010
hoerfeld 1, five channel sound installation for a rotating cylinder and one chair (transducer). CTM Berlin 2010
Raum 314, installation for eight channels at the historic water reservoir in Prenzlauer Berg Berlin, Hörgalerie Singuhr Berlin 2008
Stadtraum, The installation describes acoustically a way. With puls signals, distance and space is auditivly generated that our visual sense vanishes. An sound installation for 29 loud speakers on the facades of 5-17 Crellestraße Berlin, CRELLEKLANG 2012